Thanks to lots of help from my very knowledgeable husband, I have a new site! It’s still under construction, but the basic functionality and look is here. Let me know what you think, if you think anything is missing, or something doesn’t look right in your browser.

I’ve been trying to figure out a design for my quilt that will be in a show in Budapest. Yes, Budapest, Hungary. The Oklahoma City Modern Quilt Guild was invited by an art gallery that was intrigued after a conversation with one of our members. The Guild asked for commitments from members to send a modern mini quilt. I am so excited.

Here are the fabrics I’ve chosen. The rosy pink was actually difficult to find. I created the color palette with paint chips – something I haven’t done before. It was fun, and I’ll be doing it again.
Budapest quilt fabrics

I’m thinking of doing some randomly pieced blocks with some white sashing. I’ve been inspired by the Wonky Zoo Pens quilt. Just found out while searching for that link that the free pattern is now available. That may change my plans somewhat. I may just resize the paper pieces.

Linking with Lee at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday.